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R.E. at Hollyfast Primary School


RE at Hollyfast aims to be an academically rigorous subject that allows pupils to aim high, grow within and reach beyond the stars. Children “aim high” through engagement with three main disciplines for studying religion and world views: theology (studying beliefs and sacred texts), philosophy (studying knowledge and ideas about existence, ethics and morals), and human and social sciences (studying lived religion and world views and all their diversity).  Children grow within through the chance to consider their own world view and beliefs. They reach beyond the stars as they better understand the world views and beliefs of others, making them more prepared for life in modern Britain.

Our Approach

The RE curriculum supports pupils in the expression of our core values:

•             Excellence: engagement with an academic subject as scholars of religion and world views, developing knowledge and skills of the three main disciplines for studying RE (theology, philosophy, and human and social sciences), nurturing critical religious literacy.

•             Kindness: RE classrooms that invite difference and diversity, and see the strength in learning from others.

•             Respect: developing an understanding of world views different to our own, and reflecting on what we might learn and appreciate from other people.

•             Courage: the courage to share our own personal world views with others, even if it is different to that of others, or it is changing over time.

•             Perseverance: developing scholarly vocabulary over time, and recognising that learning to see the world through other peoples’ lenses is an ongoing and challenging task.

•             Collaboration: working and holding conversations with adults and peers to engage in academic enquiry that supports a growing understanding of religion and worldviews.

The aims of RE from the Coventry and Warwickshire agreed syllabus are:

  1. Know about and understand a range of religions and worldviews.
  2. Express ideas and insights about the nature, significance and impact of religions and worldviews.
  3. Gain and deploy the skills needed to engage seriously with religions and worldviews (disciplinary knowledge and skills).