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Music at Hollyfast will develop a love of music through fun, creative and engaging lessons. Music lessons will enable the pupils to develop their self-confidence in their musical ability while encouraging them to express themselves musically. Within their learning, they will explore a wide range of musical genres and will be able to discuss key musicians that were and are influential in these genres. Pupils will develop an awareness and appreciation for the history of music, learning about the roots of music and how music has changed over time. As part of their developing pursuit of ‘excellence’, pupils will begin to play instruments, including recorders. This will then enable them to explore how music is presented in note form and pupils will develop their confidence in reading music. Pupils at Hollyfast will also be able to express their own preferences and interpretations of music by utilising music applications to compose their own pieces of music.  


We want teaching and learning music in schools to be fun, relevant and inspiring; central to each child’s academic, social and emotional development.


Our Approach

At Hollyfast, we follow the Charanga Musical school scheme.


Designed as a whole-school approach, Charanga meet all statutory Music National Curriculum requirements. The scheme intends for learning to be fun, relevant and inspiring, increasing children's engagement and therefore musical knowledge and progress.


The learning within this Scheme is based on:

• Listening and Appraising

• Musical Activities — creating and exploring

• Singing, Playing Instruments and Performing


Music is taught as a discrete lesson, lasting approximately 45 minutes per week. Children have the opportunity to improvise using a variety of instruments and then compose their own final piece.