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Geography at Hollyfast

Our Vision


At Hollyfast, our Geography curriculum will deliver a high-quality education where children attain high, achieve well and are inspired and enthused to find out about the physical and human world. Through their growing knowledge and understanding of geography, demonstrating our value of 'Excellence', children will learn about places, people and the environment in a logical and progressive way, taking part in carefully thought out ‘Field Studies’. Children explore their own locality and studying other localities, they will learn and master key geographical skills. 


Through our Geography curriculum at Geography, we will also nurture and encourage the children’s natural curiosity; we will shape and direct it to transform the children into inquisitive, questioning learners, striving towards 'Excellence'. They will become children who look closely at the world around them and they will be able to interpret what they see. We will motivate and inspire them through 'Collaboration'  to find out about their world, both physical and human, so that they can take an active part in protecting this world as they grow up.

Our Approach

In EYFS, Geography is taught as part of the ‘continuous provision’. It is taught through whole class, small group and 1:1 learning with a mixture of adult-led learning and some child-initiated learning with sustained shared thinking.


Across the rest of the school, Geography is taught discreetly in order to ensure subject-specific knowledge, skills and vocabulary are embedded by the time the children leave Year 6. Across a term, children are taught 6 weekly Geography sessions. Each session is approximately 1 hour per week. This ensures breadth and depth of knowledge, secure knowledge retention and skills progression.