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Computing at Hollyfast


At Hollyfast, our computing curriculum will provide children with the skills to become digital literate learners with the ability to choose software independently to complete a task and to question why a choice has been made. With children growing up in an increasingly immersive and media rich world, our exciting curriculum will have opportunities to explore new technologies in a safe and engaging way, such as, an experience designing augmented and virtual realities, web design, green screening, and animation. 


Being digital leaders will increase their understanding of their digital footprint. The children will show excellence by learning a range skills for careers that are not even around yet. Paired programming will allow teamwork and increase awareness that we work better together. Computational thinking will aid their journey to become self-regulated learners by solving problems logically and breaking processes down into smaller chunks. 


Our curriculum will help nurture computational thinking; problem-solving, logic and creativity. Children will develop analytical problem-solving skills and learn to evaluate and apply information technology. The curriculum is inclusive, captivating and the children will overcome barriers to achieve their potential. It has been designed to gradually progress key skills to ensure all pupils to know how to utilise technology throughout subjects and challenges they face.  It will inspire them to become responsible, competent, confident, and creative users of technology, able to apply the fundamental principles and concepts of Computer Science, thus creating a foundation for success in any 21st-century career path choice.

Our Approach

At Hollyfast, we follow the Teach Computing scheme in line with the National Centre for Computing Education. This scheme recognises that effective pedagogy is at the heart of good teaching and learning; successful computing teachers combine their knowledge of the subject with evidence-based teaching practices.


Designed as a whole-school approach, Teach Computing meets all statutory Computing National Curriculum requirements. The scheme intends for learning to be fun, relevant and inspiring, increasing children's engagement and therefore musical knowledge and progress. It is based around 12 pedagogy principles:



Although not statutory in EYFS, we have made the decision to ensure aspects of Computing are taught through continuous provision and exploration, as well as through adult-led learning opportunities. Across the rest of the school, the timetabling of Computing is approximately 45 minutes per week. Each year group completes 2 units across every term, consisting of 6 lessons per unit. This allows for skills to progress within and across year groups and ensures breadth and depth of secure knowledge.  Classes are allocated a weekly slot in the Computing Suite and also have allocated time slots with an iPad.  Additional time with technology is also available if required.