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Calendar 2024 - 2025

Information for all events will be sent out via the MCAS App email.


Chinese Lunar New Year 29th January

Mental Health Week

Wednesday 5th - Pre-School Open Morning - 9.15am - 11.15am

Friday 7th - PTFA Years 3 & 4 Disco - 4.30-6pm tickets available on MCAS

Friday 7th - Non-uniform day - donations for Mental Health Week, MIND

Tuesday 11th - Safer Internet Day

Tuesday 11th - Termly Learning Conferences (teacher/parent meetings) - 3.40pm - 6.40pm - Pre-School to Year 6

Wednesday 12th - Termly Learning Conferences (teacher/parent meetings) - 3.40pm - 5.40pm (Pre-School until 6.10pm)

Thursday 13th - Pre-School only - Termly Learning Conferences (teacher/parent meetings) 3.40pm - 6.10pm

TLC's to be booked via the MCAS App

Scholastic Book Fair 

Thursday 13th - Reception Tree Planting - 2.30pm (wellies or sensible shoes advisable!)

Friday 14th - Winning House Party - 2.30pm

Friday 14th - PTFA Years 5 & 6 Disco - 4.30-6pm tickets available on MCAS


School Closed 17th - 21st February - Spring Half Term
February continued

Monday 24th - School reopens for Spring 2

Friday 28th - Winning house party - 2.30pm


Tuesday 4th - Year 1 Assembly - Parents/Carers welcome - 9am

Thursday 6th - World Book Day

Thursday 13th - Year 3 Live lesson 9.05am - 10.05am

Friday 14th - Comic Relief


Thursday 10th - Easter Bonnet Parade

School Closed 14th - 25th April - Easter Break
April continued

Monday 28th - School reopens for Summer 1


Friday 2nd - Winning House Party - 2.30pm

Monday 5th - May Bank Holiday - School closed

Wednesday 7th - Year 4 Perseverance assembly - Parents/Carers welcome - 9am

Thursday 8th - Year 2 Live Lesson - 9.05am - 10.05am

Monday 12th - Thursday 15th - Year 6 SATs

School Closed 26th - 20th May - May Half Term



Monday 2nd June - School reopens for Summer 2

Monday 2nd - Friday 13th - Year 3 swimming lessons

Monday 16th - Friday 27th - Year 4 swimming lessons

W/C 2nd - Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check

Tuesday 3rd June - School Photographer - Class Photos

Friday 6th - Winning House Party - 2.30pm

W/C 9th - Year 1 Phonics Screening

Thursday 12th - Year 1 Live Lesson 9.05am - 10.05am

Monday 23rd - New Reception (2025) Parent information meeting - 5.15pm

Thursday 26th - Reception Assembly - Parents/Carers welcome - 9am

Thursday 26th - New Pre-School (2025) Parent information meeting - 5.15pm

Friday 27th - Parents Forum - 2pm

Saturday 28th June - Summer Fair - 12pm - 3pm 


Wednesday 2nd - Transition Day

Monday 7th - Reception Sports Day - 9.15am (9th Reserve date)

Monday 7th - Pre-School Sports Day - 2.15pm (9th Reserve date)

Tuesday 8th - Years 1 - 6 Sports Day - times to be confirmed (10th Reserve date)

Wednesday 9th - Children's School Reports sent home (date subject to change due to SATs results)

Thursday 10th - Termly Learning Conferences (teacher/parent meetings) - 3.40pm - 5.15pm - Pre-School to Year 6 - open house, no booking necessary

Friday 11th - New Reception (2025) Teddy Bear's Picnic - 2.30pm

Monday 14th - Year 6 Leavers Disco - times to be confirmed

Wednesday 16th - Year 6 Leavers assembly - 9am - 10am

Wednesday 16th - Winning House Party - 2.30pm

Thursday 17th - Last day of school