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P.E. at Hollyfast

Our Vision

Our P.E. curriculum will provide children with a broad range of skills to develop a lifelong love of physical activity and sport. Our curriculum will be inclusive and the children will overcome barriers to achieve their potential. They will have opportunities to be courageous, demonstrate collaboration and show excellence. They will be intrinsically motivated to try their best across a broad range of sports and skills and will understand that if they aim high and grow within, they can reach beyond the stars. Our curriculum enables the children to become self-regulated learners by setting their own challenges and achieving personal bests, showing drive and commitment to do so. Enrichment will allow memorable experiences, captivating every child and giving them the opportunity to compete or perform on a wider scale to showcase their talents. This will excite the children and give a sense of pride by representing their school and achievements will be reinforced through social media and whole school assemblies. 

Our Approach

At Hollyfast, we follow the REAL PE, REAL Gymnastics and REAL Dance scheme. This scheme aims "to create positive relationships with physical activity for life. It is about having fun, trying your best and learning to move, whilst developing a personal sense of achievement."


The REAL PE scheme of work develops every child in their own way. Each unit focuses on one of the following 6 aspects of development:

  • Physical skills
  • Health and Fitness skills
  • Personal skills
  • Cognitive skills
  • Social skills
  • Creative skills


It has been designed to gradually progress their previously acquired skills, secure knowledge and vocabulary further, year by year, mastering the fundamentals first and then applying this. 


In EYFS, PE is taught as part of the Early Years curriculum. Across the rest of the school, PE is taught for two sessions a week. Each year group complete 4 units across every term, consisting of approximately 6 lessons per unit. This allows for skills to progress within and across year group and ensures breadth and depth of secure knowledge. All curriculum content has been carefully placed to allow enrichment opportunities to follow a sequence of learning. This has been done to offer memorable experiences that further deepen the knowledge and skills that the children have acquired from their PE lessons.